Saturday, July 10, 2010

Curse of the Mutants - July 7 at the Stands

As X-Men: Second Coming wraps up in X-Force 28 (July 7) and X-Men: Second Coming Finale (July 14), we watch as five years worth of X-Stories come to a close. But as this chapter closes, the opening salvos of Marvel’s new summer X-Event: Curse of the Mutants hit the comic stands this past Wednesday!

So, here’s the plan:

First Step: head on over to your Friendly Neighbourhood Comic Shop and pick up your copy of X-Men 1. Marvel has launched a new adjectiveless X-Title, what with the old book becoming X-Men Legacy back in early 2008. It’s got a big ol’ Curse of the Mutants banner running down the side, and a rather awkward depiction of Cyclops’ package that eerily draws the eye. Still with me? Okay good.

Second Step:
find a copy of Death of Dracula on the comic stand. Does it say X-Men on it? No. Does it refer to the Curse of the Mutants arc? No. Just a golden banner for Marvel’s The Heroic Age and a prominent picture of Dracula with a stake in his chest. Found it? Alright, add it to your weekly stack. It is the official prologue to the Curse of the Mutants storyline. The storyline it in no way references.

Third Step: thank your Friendly Neighbourhood Comic Shop employee for ringing you out, and go get to reading!

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